3 Days in Brief
- Lowest -3°C (Oct. 15)
- Precipitation 0mm
- Highest 6°C (Oct. 17)
- Humidity 35% Average
- Highest chance of rain 40% (Oct. 17)
- Sunshine hours13 hours Average
Weather Forecast for Eastern Cape For The Next 3 Days
Tuesday - October 15
Clear Sky
It feels like 14°
- Day/Night: 10°/0°
- Morning/Afternoon: -2°/11°
- Rainfall: 0
- Min/Max -3°/14°
- Humidity 31%
- Wind 7.92 km/h
- Pressure 1,025 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset 10:33 AM/23:25 PM
- Visibility 3 km
- Day/Night 10°/0
- Morning/Afternoon -2°/11
- Rainfall 0
Rainfall in Eastern Cape in Tuesday - October 15
Temperature in Eastern Cape in Tuesday - October 15
Wednesday - October 16
Clear Sky
It feels like 22°
- Day/Night: 16°/13°
- Morning/Afternoon: -1°/21°
- Rainfall: 0
- Min/Max -1°/22°
- Humidity 41%
- Wind 6.33 km/h
- Pressure 1,018 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset 10:32 AM/23:26 PM
- Visibility 3 km
- Day/Night 16°/13
- Morning/Afternoon -1°/21
- Rainfall 0
Rainfall in Eastern Cape in Wednesday - October 16
Temperature in Eastern Cape in Wednesday - October 16
Thursday - October 17
Few Clouds
It feels like 25°
- Day/Night: 22°/6°
- Morning/Afternoon: 12°/16°
- Rainfall: 0
- Min/Max 6°/25°
- Humidity 34%
- Wind 12.48 km/h
- Pressure 1,011 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset 10:31 AM/23:27 PM
- Visibility 3 km
- Day/Night 22°/6
- Morning/Afternoon 12°/16
- Rainfall 0
Rainfall in Eastern Cape in Thursday - October 17
Temperature in Eastern Cape in Thursday - October 17
3-Day Temperature and Rainfall Posibility
3-Day Rainfall Forecast for Eastern Cape
Eastern Cape's weather
- All Saints
- Bailey
- Baziya
- Bhisho
- Bolotwa
- Bulembu
- Cambridge
- Cata
- Coega
- Donnington
- Elliot
- Fort Hare
- Grahamstown
- Humansdorp
- Kei Road
- Luhewini
- Mdantsane
- Mqekezweni
- Port Elizabeth
- Riebeek-Oos
- Stutterheim
- Umzimvubu
- Port Saint Johns
- Coghlan
- Banzi
- Caba
- KwaNobuhle
- Mount Fletcher
- Debe Marela
- Qamata
- Aberdeen
- Adendorp
- Alice
- Alicedale
- Aliwal North
- Amsterdamhoek
- Ann Shaw
- Askeaton
- Balasi
- Bankies
- Baviaanskloof Farming Community
- Bell
- Bensonvale
- Bethelsdorp
- Bityi
- Blink Water
- Boesmansriviermond
- Braunschweig
- Braunville
- Breidbach
- Buntingville
- Burnshill
- Butterworth
- Cameron's Glen
- Cannon Rocks
- Cape Saint Francis
- Cebe
- Clarkebury
- Clarkson
- Cradock
- Crossroads
- Debe Nek
- Despatch
- Dimbaza
- Dongwe
- Dube Location
- Duncan Village
- East London
- Elundini
- Engcobo
- Fort Beaufort
- Graaff-Reinet
- Hankey
- Hofmeyr
- Idutywa
- Ilinge
- Jeffreys Bay
- Kentani
- King William's Town
- Kruisfontein
- Lusikisiki
- Macubeni
- Matatiele
- Middelburg
- Mooiplaas
- Mount Frere
- Newlands
- Nieu-Bethesda
- Peddie
- Potsdam
- Quakeni Location
- Queenstown
- Rosmead
- Sada
- Somerset East
- Tsolo
- Tsomo
- Uitenhage
- Umtata
- Willowmore
Frequently asked questions
1.How humid will it be in Eastern Cape over the next 3 days?
Humidity levels will average around 35% over the next 3 days.
2.Is there a chance of rain in Eastern Cape during the next 3 days?
The forecast for 15 October, 2024 to 17 October, 2024 shows clear skies, with no rainfall expected on any of these days.
3.What are the expected high and low temperatures in Eastern Cape for the next 3 days?
Over the next 3 days, expect highs of around 25°C (77.0°F) and lows of approximately -3°C (26.6°F).
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Eastern Cape s' weather
Clear Sky
It feels like 16°
- Sunrise/Sunset 10:32 AM / 23:26 PM
- Min/Max 17°/17°
- Humidity 38%
- Pressure 1019 hPa
- Visibility 10 km
- Wind 22.46 km/h
Air quality
Satisfactory air quality, minimal pollution, low risk
- CO 203.61
- NH3 0.47
- NO 0
- NO2 0.72
- O3 48.64
- PM10 1.47
- PM25 0.99
- SO2 0.35
Sunrise / Sunset
10:32 AM
23:26 PM