7 Days in Brief
- Lowest 10°C (Sep. 17)
- Precipitation 13.51mm
- Highest 35°C (Sep. 13)
- Humidity 39% Average
- Highest chance of rain 100% (Sep. 16)
- Sunshine hours 12 hours Average
Weather Forecast for Kwazulu-Natal For The Next 7 Days
Thu 12/09
13° / 33°
Few Clouds
6.85 km/h
13° / 33°
- Day/Night: 28°/19°
- Morning/Afternoon: 14°/26°
- Pressure: 1015 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 10:57 AM/22:47 PM
- Wind: 6.85 km/h
- Humidity: 28%
Fri 13/09
18° / 35°
Clear Sky
4.97 km/h
18° / 35°
- Day/Night: 32°/20°
- Morning/Afternoon: 18°/31°
- Pressure: 1014 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 10:56 AM/22:48 PM
- Wind: 4.97 km/h
- Humidity: 17%
Sat 14/09
16° / 32°
Clear Sky
5.85 km/h
16° / 32°
- Day/Night: 30°/16°
- Morning/Afternoon: 16°/27°
- Pressure: 1016 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 10:55 AM/22:48 PM
- Wind: 5.85 km/h
- Humidity: 23%
Sun 15/09
14° / 33°
Broken Clouds
4.11 km/h
14° / 33°
- Day/Night: 28°/19°
- Morning/Afternoon: 14°/26°
- Pressure: 1014 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 10:54 AM/22:49 PM
- Wind: 4.11 km/h
- Humidity: 27%
Mon 16/09
11° / 20°
Moderate Rain
4.22 km/h
11° / 20°
- Day/Night: 20°/11°
- Morning/Afternoon: 17°/13°
- Pressure: 1017 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 10:52 AM/22:49 PM
- Wind: 4.22 km/h
- Humidity: 55%
Tue 17/09
10° / 20°
Light Rain
4.22 km/h
10° / 20°
- Day/Night: 15°/13°
- Morning/Afternoon: 10°/19°
- Pressure: 1025 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 10:51 AM/22:50 PM
- Wind: 4.22 km/h
- Humidity: 69%
Wed 18/09
11° / 23°
Scattered Clouds
3.65 km/h
11° / 23°
- Day/Night: 20°/14°
- Morning/Afternoon: 11°/18°
- Pressure: 1022 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 10:50 AM/22:50 PM
- Wind: 3.65 km/h
- Humidity: 51%
7-Day Temperature and Rainfall Posibility
7-Day Rainfall Forecast for Kwazulu-Natal
Kwazulu-Natal's weather
- Austerville
- Botha's Hill
- Cathedral Peak
- Centocow
- Claridge
- Durban
- Eshowe
- Estcourt
- Glencoe
- Harburg
- Hluku
- Ingogo
- Kingsborough
- Kromhoek
- KwaNdengezi
- Mapumulo
- Mpumalanga
- Ndwedwe
- Nongoma
- Pinetown
- Richmond
- Tongaat
- Ulundi
- Verulam
- Besters
- Brighton Beach
- Lamontville
- Port Shepstone
- Umzimkulu
- Clermont
- KwaDabeka
- Cathkin Park
- Musgrave
- Umlazi
- eSikhawini
- Elandskraal
- Hlobane
- Utrecht
- Vryheid
- Westville
- Ahrens
- Amanzimtoti
- Baynesfield
- Bergville
- Boston
- Bruntville
- Bruyns Hill
- Buxedeni
- Cato Manor
- Chatsworth
- Clairwood
- Dannhauser
- Darnall
- Dundee
- Edendale
- Elandslaagte
- Emangusi
- Empangeni
- Essenwood
- Franklin
- Gezinsila
- Glengarry
- Greytown
- Hammarsdale
- Harding
- Heatonville
- Hillcrest
- Hlabisa
- Howick
- Impendle
- Inanda
- Izingolweni
- Jameson's Drift
- Jozini
- Kingsley
- Klip River Location
- Kokstad
- KwaMandlakazi
- Kwamashu
- KwaMateni
- Ladysmith
- Lower Loteni
- Madadeni
- Montclair
- Mooirivier
- Morningside
- Mtubatuba
- Newcastle
- Nkandla
- Nottingham Road
- Nqutu
- Osizweni
- Pietermaritzburg
- Queensburgh
- Richards Bay
- Rosetta
- Stanger
- Sundumbili
- Sydenham
- Umbilo
Frequently asked questions
1.What are the expected high and low temperatures in Kwazulu-Natal over the next 7 days?
Over the next 7 days, Kwazulu-Natal is expected to experience highs averaging around 10°C to 35°C, with the warmest day likely to be around 35°C. The nighttime lows are expected to be between 11°C and 20°C
2.How much rain is forecasted in Kwazulu-Natal for the coming week?
Over the week, there is an estimated total rainfall of approximately 0mm to 12.42mm.
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Kwazulu-Natal s' weather
Scattered Clouds
It feels like 19°
- Sunrise/Sunset 10:57 AM / 22:47 PM
- Min/Max 19°/19°
- Humidity 59%
- Pressure 1017 hPa
- Visibility 10 km
- Wind 6.55 km/h
Air quality
Acceptable air quality, some pollutants present, minor health concerns for sensitive individuals
- CO 320.44
- NH3 2.5
- NO 0
- NO2 2.27
- O3 69.38
- PM10 8.9
- PM25 7.03
- SO2 3.82
Sunrise / Sunset
10:57 AM
22:47 PM